You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.2. Transactions - Manufactured Job > Managing Manufactured Jobs

Managing Manufactured Jobs

When you are processing a new manufactured job, you can use the menu options on the Manufactured Job Entry screen to perform various tasks. These include:



  • Any alterations you make adjust your job and overall WIP.
  • Micronet only allows you to alter job transactions for jobs that are in an active status. To alter transactions for jobs in an inactive status, you would first need to alter the job status as displayed on the manufactured job header. You can only alter the job status if your user security allows it AND if the job status allows status changes (as set in the Job Status Table) AND if the job has not yet been finalised.
  • After transactions (materials and labour) have been added to a job and included when the job was transferred to MDS, Micronet flags them as taken up for costing and sales tax purposes. These transactions cannot be deleted or edited.
  1. Display the Enter Manufactured Job screen for the job you want to manage.

Refer to "Maintaining the Manufactured Job Header".

  1. Select the Accept button or press F2 to proceed.

Micronet displays the Manufactured Job Entry screen.

This screen displays the following fields:





Department Number

Micronet displays the ID and department for the selected job.


Job Number

Micronet displays the job number.


[Job Description]

Micronet displays up to three lines of job details.

  Qty to Make Micronet displays the quantity of the manufactured item to be made.



Micronet displays the actual hours worked on this job to date.



Micronet displays the cost of sales for the job, i.e. the cost of materials, labour and any other costs.



Micronet displays any materials, text or labour added to the job.



For labour lines, Micronet displays the operation (type of work) performed. For more information, refer to "File - Operation".



Micronet displays the number of items or number of hours associated with each material or labour line.



Micronet displays the rate code associated with a labour line, e.g. Normal, Time/Half, Double.


Technical Tip

Your rate codes are set on the Enter Rate Names screen in company configuration (refer to "Edit - Applications - MJC - General"). If you want the job screen to display the rate name rather than the rate code, right click in the select box at the bottom of the screen and select EDIT SELECT BOX. Double click on the JT_OTRATE field and set the Convert Char field to Yes.

For more information about editing select boxes, refer to "Customising Transaction Entry Screens".



Micronet displays the unit rate for each line.



Micronet displays the total amount charged for each line.

  1. As well as adding, changing and deleting the job lines, you can perform any of the following edits or actions on the Manufactured Job Entry screen if required: